Thursday, June 14, 2012

Those Wind-bells...

We met under the shadows of the trees and we walked quietly listening to footsteps avoiding the bustling world.
Shyness in the conversation made us feel flimsy as heat of the sun bothered along the way.
The sound of the wind-bells somehow lured the dull moment.
The few minutes of the winds lingered the feelings of lonesome, and I don’t know why.

Mashutzo Writes


  1. And i am sure that lonesomeness had its meaning to offer , the flimsiness had its colors to sprawl :)

  2. That picture just reminds me of how much i hate sweden. It's been raining constantly for a month.

  3. I can almost hear the wind-bells.

    Kisses !

  4. Wah, wah. beautiful words. Makes me wonder for a moment, in a good way.

    (And) hhhmmm... who is the other party in this 'we'? I know one party is you and there are only two parties.

    p.s. I know the background music was a bit off, I've switched back to the same old song I had. You can visit without bursting your ears now, haha.
